Thursday, March 25, 2010

4 Months Old!!!

Weston is 4 months old today, March 25th 2010. Wow has time gone by super fast. He is getting sobig so fast! Here are some pictures that I took of him. I set up a little studio and had a little photo shoot with him!! He is so cute!! He is 14.5lbs and 25inches!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Just A Little Update...

We took Weston up the mountain to the snow for the 1st on Saturday March 20th. He had so much fun! We bundled him up in his snow outfit and he did great. I was thinking that he was going to cry and fuss the whole time but he didn't. He was so good. The snow was so deep, maybe like 2feet. So, Joe walked out to the middle of the snow and jumped down in it to make a hole and then he put Weston down in it. It was so cute, Weston giggled a little.
This is Weston on the way up to the mountain, just chillin in the carseat with the glasses.

Me and Weston out for a walk. Taking advantage of the sunny weather that we finally were having.

This is Weston eating from a spoon like a big boy. He eat baby cereal every night before he goes to bed and chases it down with 8 ounces of formula. He was on 6 ounces but that was only lasting him 3hours. So, we uped the antte and are giving him 8 ounce bottles and that lasts him about 4 hours.

My little man is getting so big so fast. I have always heard people say that time flys with babys and they grow up too fast but I never really believed them, but now I do. I cant believe that he is going to be 4 months on the 25th. Where did the time go. I swear that it was just yesterday that I had him. But, I just love him so stinking much. He is really coming into his own person. He loves to talk, smile, and giggle it is so cute.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

He Can Roll Over!!!!

Weston has learned to roll over! I am so proud of him! In this video he is fussing becuase he wanted to roll over again. This is a video of his 3rd roll over. He has rolled over a bunch of times now!

Monday, March 1, 2010

A Little Update On All Of Us...

He was holding on to the keys for like 30mins.
Wearing Daddys glasses

With his "Steve" punching bag.

So Weston is 3months old now! Wow oh Wow where did the time go? He has blessed and changed my life so much, I just love him to pieces. He is becoming quite a little person. He loves to smile and giggle and he loves his feet. He has just discovered them and when he is sitting up I bring them to his mouth and if he could he would just suck on his toes for hours. He loves to suck his thumb as well, he still loves his chupi but his thumbs are his new thing. It was funny because one day he had socks on and was looking at his feet confused like thinking to himself "what the heck I thought I had toes" and when I took his socks off and he saw his toes his eyes lite up and he got a huge smile on his face, it was the cutest thing I have seen yet. He really is the light of my life. Joe is doing good, he is enjoying his job. It is a little crazy from time to time but he enjoys it. I couldn't be more proud of him. As for me I was supposed to start school today but some paperwork errors happened and I don't start until April 1st. Total bummer because I was so excited to start school but I guess I will wait a bit longer. But all in all we are all doing great and enjoying being a little family!!!